“Cambridge University, the ‘Latitude-Men’, and the Early Enlightenment: Platonism and its Influence (1640-1760)”: Seminar by Mark Burden, David Leech and Marilyn Lewis at the Institute of Historical Research, 14:00-16:00, 16 June 2018
Past Events
“The Cambridge Platonists and the Origins of Modern Secular Ethics”: Workshop by Michael Gill and Mark Burden at the University of Cambridge, 15 January 2018
Religion and Philosophy in Origenism Old and New II. Workshop at the University of Cambridge, organised by Christian Hengstermann, 25th November 2017
Colloquium Adamantianum – Divine and Human Freedom, The Philosophical Significance of the Church Father Origen. Workshop at the University of Cambridge, organised by Christian Hengstermann, 23 October 2017
“Origen’s Philosophy of Freedom in Seventeenth-Century England”: Workshop at the University of Muenster, organised by Christian Hengstermann and Alfons Furst, 19-21 October 2017
“Cambridge Platonism”: Panel at the sixteenth annual conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, organised by Douglas Hedley, 14-17 June, 2017, Olomouc, Czech Republic
“The Cambridge Platonists”: Presentation by Douglas Hedley, Christian Hengstermann, Sarah Hutton, and David Leech at the British Society for the History of Philosophy annual conference, Sheffield University, 6-8 April 2017
“Cambridge Platonism and the Enigma of Early Modern Neoplatonism”: Panel at the thirteenth annual conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, organised by Douglas Hedley and Natalia Strok, 15-19 June 2015, Buenos Aeres, Argentina
“Henry More (1614-1687)”: A Conference to mark the fourth centenary of his birth, organised by Sarah Hutton and Guido Giglioni, 5 December 2014 at the Warburg Institute, London
“Atheism in Seventeenth Century England?: Outrage in Early Modern Cambridge at the World-Changing Idea”: a talk given by Dr David Leech at the Cambridge Festival of Ideas, 22nd October 2014
“Henry More’s ‘Enchiridion Ethicum’ (1668)”: A workshop organised by Christian Maurer, 12-13 September 2014 at the department of philosophy, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
“Cambridge Platonism”: Panel at the twelfth annual conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, organised by Douglas Hedley, 16-21 June 2014, University of Lisbon, Portugal
“Cambridge Platonism Revisited”: Panel at the American Academy of Religion (AAR) organised by Douglas Hedley, 25 November 2013, Baltimore, USA
“A Cambridge Enlightenment? The Cambridge Platonists Revisited”: a talk given by Professor Sarah Hutton at the Cambridge Festival of Ideas, 25th October 2013
“Reenvisioning Cambridge Platonism”: AHRC network grant workshops at the University of Cambridge, organised by Douglas Hedley, David Leech and Sarah Hutton. Workshop One: Formation and Sources, 5-6 April 2013; Workshop Two: Key Philosophical and Religious Ideas, 19-20 April 2013; Workshop Three: Reception and Influence, 31 May – 1 June 2013