Henry More’s ‘Enchiridion Ethicum’ (1668), September 12 and 13, Fribourg Switzerland

On September 12 and 13, 2014, the Philosophy Department at the University of Fribourg Switzerland will host a workshop on Henry More’s ‘Enchiridion Ethicum’ (1668). The workshop aims at exploring More’s rarely studied text by means of presentations and a roundtable discussion. Presentations will be in English and French.

Prof. Sarah Hutton, Aberystwyth University
Prof. Laurent Jaffro, Université Paris 1 Sorbonne-Panthéon
Dr. David Leech, University of Bristol
Dr. Christian Maurer, Université de Fribourg
Dr. Alain Petit, Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand 2
Dr. John Sellars, Birkbeck College, University of London
Prof. Tiziana Suarez-Nani, Université de Fribourg

For further information, please visit the conference website (http://lettres.unifr.ch/fr/philosophie/philosophie/henry-more.html) or contact the organizer, Christian Maurer, Université de Fribourg (christian.maurer@unifr.ch). Attendance is free, but please inscribe via e-Mail.